About NexusTech Services

NexusTech Services provides tailored IT solutions, ensuring your business remains connected, secure, and efficient with our expert team dedicated to your success.

woman in purple sweater using laptop
woman in purple sweater using laptop
person using MacBook Air at the table
person using MacBook Air at the table
three women sitting at the table
three women sitting at the table

Our Commitment to You

We specialize in website development, phone systems, IT network installation, and CCTV management, focusing on reliable services for your business needs.

Our Location

NexusTech Services is based in Kendal, but we proudly serve individuals and businesses across the whole of Cumbria. Whether you're in need of IT support, tech solutions, or business services, we are here to help wherever you're located.

Our Gallery

Showcasing our IT solutions and successful projects for clients.

woman using MacBook
woman using MacBook
A man sitting on a chair holding a cell phone
A man sitting on a chair holding a cell phone
two women sitting on chair
two women sitting on chair
group of women lined up
group of women lined up